Erasmus+ dissemination days 2022 and Call for mobility

CIFP HESPÉRIDES will celebrate #ErasmusDays the day 14 October 2022 in two sessions, one in the morning from 10:20 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. and another in the afternoon from 6:25 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.. in the Assembly Hall, to publicize the programs and the call for participation in the selection process . The deadline for applications is 14 the 26 october 2022 for students and teaching and non-teaching staff.
This Conference is aimed at all 2nd grade students both of GM as GS. Of the 10 the 14 October Erasmus Week will take place with various musical activities, cultural, gastronomic, contests, games, etc…
This initiative of the European Commission highlights the benefits of Europe, mediante la difusión de los proyectos del programa Erasmus , implicando a la comunidad educativa, to stakeholders and the general public.
Esta iniciativa oficial europea busca movilizar a los beneficiarios de proyectos y redes profesionales (estudiantes, docentes, formadores, padres y madres, personal no docente, alumnos…), so that through communication and dissemination activities they can share their experience of mobility and cooperation in Europe and around the world,,es,promoting opportunities funded by the European Union,,es,the impact of Erasmus projects and common European values,,es, promoviendo las oportunidades financiadas por la Unión Europea, el impacto de los proyectos Erasmus y los valores comunes europeos.
Participate actively and do not miss it!!!

