Schedule Final Erasmus Course 2014/2015 Selection Process

Schedule Final Erasmus FP (GM) DAYS

Schedule Final Erasmus Ed.S (GS) DAYS

Provisional Selection Process Scale Erasmus Course 2014/15

Provisional Schedule Erasmus Ed.S (GS) DAYS

Provisional Schedule Erasmus FP (GM) DAYS

Call completion Erasmus Personal Interview 2015

Call Erasmus Interview 2015

Call for implementing the Erasmus Tests 2015

Tuesday 17 February at 11'30h. class 0.06 AIC. written test and listening.

Download the document to check the time of the oral test.

Call Tests Erasmus

Competition for Young on initiatives for sustainable employment

ANSE launches the Erasmus project Dialogue and undertaking, which aims to give young people a space to show their ideas for improving employment in agriculture sectro, fishing and tourism. To do a State Conference which will involve meetings between politicians and students made, with space for businesses and associations sectors.

Prior to this a contest for young people to share their ideas for improving employment in the sector who are interested from those mentioned will be held. During the next week we will send you more details and contest rules.

Call for Participation Erasmus 2015-16

Publicación de la Convocatoria Erasmus 2015/16 PIFC Hesperides.

Deadline for registration 28 January to 12 February 2015.


Attachments Call Erasmus 2015-16

Information Sessions 2015 and Erasmus Experiences

Por la presenta se convoca a la Comunidad Educativa del CIFP Hespérides a las Sesiones Informativas Erasmus 2015 y a las charlas sobre “Erasmus Experiences Course 2013-14” in the Auditorium of the Centre.

The next Tuesday 20 January 2015 to 17 h. for the afternoon shift and Wednesday 21 January to 10 h. for the morning shift.

Bases Announcement participate Erasmus 2015-16

Coming, in January 2015, el CIFP Hespérides publicará las Bases de la convocatoria para participar en el Programa Erasmus +. The deadline for applications is 28 January to 12 February 2015.


Call participate Erasmus 2014/15

  • Call mobilities Erasmus students practice PIFC Hesperides 2014/15 (Deadline for submission of claims 5 the 12 May 2014) All information on our website:
  • Charging the ERASMUS MeCD (Deadline 23 April 2014) BOE aids Erasmus MECD 2014-15
  • The 10 May «Limpiemos Europe"

Website of the initiative "Clean Up Europe ':

Factsheet on the initiative:

Further, The European Environment Agency has launched a software application on marine debris which can be downloaded from Google Play: for more information please consult the site http://www.eea.europa...

Convocation Erasmus CIFP Hesperides 2014/2015

The convening of the new Erasmus program the PFIC Hesperides 2014/2015, was published on the website of the Center. Deadline for submission of claims 5 the 12 May. Dare to participate in the selection process and gets to be selected!

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